We believe in the cultivation of positive culture with roots in self-understanding and the wisdom to apply this knowledge at a corporate, community and individual level to create growth and a successful business.
Training, Mentoring & Support
Elevate Your Heart and Mind
Professional Advocacy Programme
The PA programme will constitute Restorative Supervision sessions & accountability check-ins. We acknowledged that long-term improvements in wellbeing are required to create effective positive change. As a result, our programmes are structured to compound small changes that result in positive positive change and development.
I encourage organisations to establish systems and processes for productivity, quality assurance and investment in human and social capital.
Along with personalised sessions, we also cover education and training in wellbeing, inclusion and diversity, leadership and advocacy.
All workshops are informative and participative and delivered in small learning sets. Successful businesses unlock staff potential, skills, personality attributes, creativity and knowledge. Chenai also works with communities to unlock social capital.
Your team and Chenai will delve into creative thinking, emotional & mental well-being and self-development to create tools and techniques for teams, communities and individuals to implement positive interpersonal relationships.
Our Story
The name Chenai means “be pure” in the Shona language of Zimbabwe. Chenai Heart N Mind means ‘be pure in Heart N Mind’.
I’m a mother of 2 handsome and adventurous boys. I’m passionate about education and have been so from the age of 5 back home in Zimbabwe working in radio, church, community and school theatre. We used drama to raise awareness on various social topics. I migrated to the UK when I was 17yrs old to train as a registered adult nurse.
The world is full of amazing individuals that are uniquely abled, of different ages, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, faith and beliefs (this list is exhaustive). Society is short-changing itself by not releasing people’s full potential by consciously and unconsciously disregarding the full capacity of the resources available to us. This can be counted as waste in terms of the skills, creativity and knowledge not put to good use. Together, our emotional and intellectual life is of huge value to our society. For further information and support in this area of work, you may contact me.
Loraine Chenai Mahachi on

I am delighted to be part of the panellist at the upcoming,
Bradshaw Hall, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, 200 Jennens Rd, Birmingham
My vision is that ALL people reach the highest self and achieve the highest level of wellbeing and live or work in positive places that allow them to grow and flourish.
My mission is to utilise my knowledge and capabilities to create opportunities, it is my intention to raise awareness for individuals’ wellbeing, equality, inclusion and diversity and professional development.
“When you need encouragement, think of the qualities the people around you have: this one’s energy, that one’s modesty, another’s generosity, and so on.”
Marcus Aurelius121AD-180AD
“Have respect for autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice.”